Where we are
The hotel is located in the center of Genoa, opposite the maritime station, behind the train station of Piazza Principe, next to the underground station.
It is surrounded by two landmarks in the history of Genoa: the Palazzo del Principe Andrea Doria in the west and the Commenda di Pre, the ancient hospitaire that housed pilgrims departing for the Holy Land in the Middle Ages.
The Genoa aquarium and the entire medieval center are within walking distance.
New Alexander Hotel
Via Bersaglieri d'Italia, 19
16126 Genova - GE
Tel: (+39)010-0993941
Tel: (+39)010-2471971
Ragione sociale: HAIJING SRLS - sede legale: Corso Torino 14/4 -16129 Genova - Ge - Pec: haijing@pec.it - Partita Iva e codice fiscale 02470250990 - Esercizio: New Hotel Alexander - Via Bersaglieri d'Italia 19 -16124 Genova -Ge